We areright to managespecialists

If you own a leasehold flat, it is your legal right to choose who manages your property.

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About RTMF

Our skilled team offers 16 years of Right to Manage expertise and experience in this specialised field of law.

RTMF has achieved RTM in properties ranging from converted houses with just a few flats to purpose built multi-block estates comprised of hundreds of apartments with onsite facilities such as gymnasiums and swimming pools.

To date RTMF has acquired RTM for more than 1000 buildings and about 20,000 properties, including top-end luxury apartments, retirement blocks and purpose built student accommodation.

We have successfully represented hundreds of leaseholders in the Lands Tribunals, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

How Long Does RTM Take?

An uncontested RTM application will generally take between five and six months. The RTMF fee includes the formation of the RTM company, land registry searches and disbursements, the service of all statutory notices, including postage costs and the provision of company secretary and registered office throughout the Right to Manage Process.

How to apply

Avoid the pitfalls, for an impartial RTM service you can rely on…Come to us first!

We have represented hundreds of leaseholders at tribunals, winning landmark cases that have helped shape the future of Right to Manage.

RTMF offer a truly independent service including a bespoke no-cost service to help retired leaseholders exercise RTM. We do not manage properties ourselves but acting as neutral advisers we help you select a manager of your own democratic choosing.

RTMF acquired the Right to Manage for Century Wharf, a development of 967 flats in Cardiff, making it the largest RTM in history.

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Right to Manage is Your Legal Right

Parliament passed the legislation to help flat owners like you. It is not necessary to prove fault by your landlord or management company or to pay any compensation.

As long as the criteria are met and at least half the leaseholders in your block agree to proceed your landlord cannot legally prevent the RTM process. Following the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 it is your legal right to choose your own management company.

Do you Qualify

About Right to Manage

If you own a leasehold flat and are experiencing landlord problems, high service charges or your building is suffering from mismanagement, RTMF can help.

We offer a bespoke right to manage service offering a fixed cost solution with no hidden extras. We accept instructions from leaseholders, managing agents and Right to Manage companies that have previously tried and failed the RTM process.

Flat owners all over the country are turning to Right to Manage as the best solution to achieving high standards and increased value for money.

If your flat is in a converted house or small block you may consider self management through your jointly owned Right to Manage company. In a larger block you can use the RTM company to appoint your own managing agent by competitive tender.

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How Right to Manage Works

In order to be eligible for the Right to Manage (RTM) both the property / block and the applicant leaseholders must meet a statutory criteria. RTM only applies to leaseholder owners of flats and not to leasehold houses or bungalows.

The property / block will qualify if they consist of a structurally detached building or part of a building that can be served independently, they contain two or more flats held by qualifying tenants, and at least two-thirds of the flats are leased to qualifying tenants.

The property or block will not qualify if more than 25% of the floor area is non-residential, if there are self-contained parts owned by different landlords, if it is a property owned by the local authority, or it is a building of four or less flats with one flat being occupied by the landlord as his principle home.

A qualifying tenant is a leaseholder whose lease was originally granted for a period exceeding 21 years. Where a flat is being let under two or more long leases, a tenant that holds the superior lease is not the qualifying tenant.

Right to Manage Costs

Our Fees

Our standard costs for RTM is a base charge of £250, plus £95 multiplied by the number of flats in the applicant block plus VAT.

If there are multiple blocks applying it is now a legal requirement to form one RTM Company for each block even if it is intended that a single company is appointed to manage all the blocks. (Note you must still have more than 50% supporting in each individual block)

Additional Costs

In our experience around 90% of claims are unopposed. If the Claim is disputed and it is necessary to make applications to the First-tier Tribunal or the Court, the cost of professional representation is subject to an additional charge, usually about £1,500 - £2,500. This may increase by agreement in complex cases.

Landlords Costs

The landlord is entitled to charge its costs incurred in consequence of the RTM claim notice. This is to cover legitimate costs in checking the claim and preparing the handover information required by the new manager.

These expenses are typically between £500 and £2,000 depending on the size of the block and will usually become payable after RTM is acquired. By law, these costs must be reasonable and in the event of a dispute may be determined by a tribunal.

Our Scheme for Retirement Blocks

Under our subsidised scheme the RTM process is potentially free to all leaseholders. The democratically selected Managing Agent agrees to pay the RTM cost and the fee paid by each participating leaseholder is fully refunded on completion of the process.

RTM Process For Retirement Blocks